PinnedDaniel McIntosh, PhD.inAbout Me StoriesAbout Me — Daniel McIntoshWho I am and who I want to be.Jan 1, 202216Jan 1, 202216
PinnedDaniel McIntosh, PhD.inPolitically SpeakingPundits Versus ScientistsA battle for the soul of AmericaMar 7, 202331Mar 7, 202331
PinnedDaniel McIntosh, PhD.inCurated NewslettersPolicy Lessons from the Population PyramidUnreal Constructs Produce Real HarmFeb 21, 202334Feb 21, 202334
PinnedDaniel McIntosh, PhD.inILLUMINATIONThe Nine Tribes of American PoliticsThere’s so much more than “Red versus Blue”May 2, 20228May 2, 20228
Daniel McIntosh, PhD.inLong. Sweet. Valuable.Did JD Vance Fuck A Couch?A Case Study in MimeticsAug 33Aug 33
Daniel McIntosh, PhD.Ukraine After the Washington SummitEverything But A Formal Declaration of WarJul 2217Jul 2217
Daniel McIntosh, PhD.inLong. Sweet. Valuable.Redefining “Human”Emergence transcends geneticsJun 275Jun 275